Shortest path search PuT

In PuT, you can perform a timetable-based or a transport-system based search (Fundamentals: Shortest path search).

Timetable-based search

1.  From the Graphics menu, choose Shortest path search.

The Graphics tools (Shortest path search) window opens.

2.  Select the PuT tab.

3.  Make the desired changes.



Network object type

Here you select the desired network object type. The following types are provided:

  • Zone
  • Stop area


List box for PuT mode

Time reference

Departure time

If this option has been selected, you can enter the desired departure time for the shortest path search in the field.


The first possible connection past the departure time is determined. Here, also paths with a walk link before the first boarding stop or after the last alighting stop are found.

When using a weekly or an annual calendar, you can select a day which is contained in the current calendar.

Arrival time

If this option has been selected, you can enter the desired arrival time for the shortest path search in the field.


The program determines the connection with the lowest impedance before or at the specified arrival time at the destination zone or stop area (reverse search). If there are several connections with the same impedance, the connection with the fewest transfers will be chosen.

If an already calculated shortest path search is lengthened interactively, the arrival time refers to the new destination.


Depending on your settings, you can specify a departure or an arrival time in the Time reference section.


Enter the value for the extension


The extension is added to the search interval. It includes the entire day of the search time selected. For a departure search, the extension is always added after 24:00 o'clock of the search day. Setting it to > 0 thus becomes more important the later the search time is.

With a reverse search, which refers to the arrival time, the extension is added before 0:00 o'clock of the search day.

Departure extension

Enter a value for the departure extension


This time added precedes the interval.


Click this button to specify settings for the shortest path search by search parameters on the basis of the timetable-based connection search.

Consider only active vehicle journey sections

If this option has been checked, only active vehicle journey sections are considered for path search.

Maximum number of transfers

Maximum permitted number of transfers for a connection from origin zone to destination zone.

Search impedance

You may adjust the weighting factors for journey time and number of transfers in the formula for the search impedance.

Save route index to

Via this button, you can select a link attribute in a separate window which receives the number of the current position for each path leg on the shortest path and which is set to zero for all links which are not located on the shortest path.


If you open the link list afterwards and sort it by the Index attribute, you can display all attributes along the links of the shortest path.


For this purpose, you can also create a user-defined attribute (Managing user-defined attributes).

4.  In the network, click on the desired start object.

Note: Alternatively, to select a network object, right-click into the network and search for the desired network object in the Search window. (Finding network objects in the network).

In the Graphics tools (Shortest path) window, in the Selected network objects section, a new row is displayed for the selected object.

Note: To edit the network object displayed, in the Selected network objects section, click the network object Then in the Search window, search for the desired network object (Finding network objects in the network).

5.  In the network, click on the desired destination object.

Notes: The start object and the destination object do not have to be of the same network object type. You can change the type by selecting the desired type in the drop-down list of the Graphics tools (shortest path search) window. Do so after selecting the start object and before selecting the destination object in the network.

Zones can only be start or destination objects of a path. If zones are origins and/or destinations of paths, the respective origin or destination connector times are contained in the resulting output times.

A new row is displayed for the selected object in the Selected network objects section and the shortest path is displayed in the Network editor window according to the settings.

6.  Then take the following actions as needed:



Click this symbol to delete the list of objects and all previously executed shortest paths.

Use the symbol to restart the shortest path search.

Use the symbol to reverse the order of the selected objects and thus perform the shortest path search in the opposite direction.

Note: The shortest paths will still be displayed when you exit the window. You can switch off the display by clicking the Reset button. The results of all shortest path searches will be discarded.

Tips: If the Shortest path search is not displayed as desired, you can change the graphic parameters accordingly (Setting the graphic parameters for shortest paths).

You can also display the shortest path search in lists (Displaying shortest path searches in lists).

Transport system-based search

If you want to perform a transport system-based search, proceed as follows.

1.  From the Graphics menu, choose Shortest path search.

The Graphics tools (Shortest path search) window opens.

2.  Select the PuT TSys tab.

3.  Make the desired changes.



Network object type

Here you select the desired network object type. The following types are provided:

  • Zone
  • Node


Here you can select a PuT mode.


Click this button to specify settings for the shortest path search by search parameters on the basis of transport system-based connection search (Parameters of the TSys-based assignment).

Save route index to

Via this button, you can select a link attribute in a separate window which receives the number of the current position for each path leg on the shortest path and which is set to zero for all links which are not located on the shortest path.


If you open the link list afterwards and sort it by the Index attribute, you can display all attributes along the links of the shortest path.


For this purpose, you can also create a user-defined attribute (Managing user-defined attributes).

4.  In the network, click on the desired start object.

Tip: Alternatively, to select a start object, right-click into the network and search for the desired network object in the Search window. (Finding network objects in the network).

In the Graphics tools (Shortest path search) window, in the Selected network objects section, a new row is displayed for the selected object.

Note: To edit the network object displayed, in the Selected network objects section, click the network object. Then in the search window, search for the desired network object (Finding network objects in the network).

5.  In the network, click on the desired destination object.

A new row is displayed for the selected object in the Selected network objects section and the shortest path is displayed in the Network editor window according to the settings.